Una dintre cele mai importante activităţi în cadrul proiectului nostru Comenius este alegerea unui logo. De aceea, pe 3 octombrie, elevii incluşi în echipa de proiect, coordonaţi de profesoarele lor Ana Tudor şi Mariana Rădulescu, au convenit să concureze pentru cel mai bun desen ce va fi ales ca propunere a României pentru logo-ul proiectului.
Noi vom posta pe site-ul proiectului această propunere şi partenerii noştri din Malta, Italia, Lituania şi Polonia vor face acelaşi lucru. Sistemul de vot al site-ului nostru comun va decide logo-ul proiectului Comenius "Dacă vrei să vezi frumuseţea lumii, mai întâi trebuie să o găseşti în tine însuţi".
Elevii care au venit pentru a-şi dovedi talentul au fost: Iulia Ută (7 E), Lavinia Cherbel (5 C), Amelia Coman (7 C), George Poeniţă (6 C), Oana Voican (7 E), Cristiana Măgureanu ( 7 C), Alexandra Dicu (6 C), Ruxandra Nae (7 E), Ion Moise Bădulescu (6 C), Alexandra Duţă (7 C), Daniel Burcă (6 C), Cristiana Aninoiu (7 C), Carmen Vlăsceanu ( 6 C), Otilia Ticu (7 C).
Hello to all my eTwinning friends!
My name is Mariana RADULESCU. I'm a Maths teacher in a primary and generally school named “Liviu Rebreanu” from a beautiful town called MIOVENI, in Arges county, ROMANIA (“the car town”). My students, aged 10 – 14 years, are eager to learn something new about ICT tools for to use them in their blogs.
My activity in eTwinning started in October 2007. My first project was “Let’s get to know ourselves and our cities” where I was invited by my friend from Athens, Katerina Fyssaki. This project was awarded with National Quality Label and European Quality Label. Some students of my team built the blog sharing our activities.
I want to thank to eTwinning team for this opportunity to learn about the new technology, to share a lot of information with people from all Europe about educational system, traditions, culture, customs, etc.
In April 2009, I had the chance to participate to workshop in Bratislava, where I met a lot of my eTwinning partners and in February 2010, I participated to Comenius Training Course in Hamrun, MALTA. It was GREAT!
I think that the communication is extremely important!